This led To the razbalansirane Turbo, which means to wear on the shaft. Also, there is a danger of molten pieces go on the engine, which is certainly a side effect.

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Water injection

Posted: 04.02.2013 in XsX Racing
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Detonaciite in the engine can be prevented as follows:

To decrease the temperature of the incoming ignition visokooktanovo smesSizpolzvaneto gorivoZabavâjki so dvigatelâPonižavajki ponižavajki nominal range “punch in”-module (a situation in which high pressure in the crankshaft oil izpraŝâ steam back into the combustion chamber) gave a richer mixture of stehiometričnataNamalâvajki compression and pressure buust

is used to reduce the temperature inside the cylinder and a more efficient combustion of the fuel-air mixture and so helps to avoid detonaciite.